Sunday, April 8, 2012


       Avery was 10 months old this past Friday.  The last 10 months have gone by so fast and have been so much fun.  It is amazing to watch Avery learn so many new things, but sometimes sad to see her growing up.  One day we are going to blink and she will no longer be a baby.  Avery is sweet, happy and full of life.  She has become quite a character and has really found her voice in the last month.  She is on the go and keeps us on our toes now that she is mobile.  We love her more everyday and are so thankful to be her parents.
Avery at 10 Months:

- She is crawling and climbing everywhere. 
- Avery loves to pull up and stand.  She enjoys walking while holding onto your hands.
- In the last 2 days, she started to try and push her little wagon.
- The girl loves to eat.  She still takes some baby food when we are out and about or low on groceries, but she loves her big girl food.  Avery prefers to feed herself and loves to eat what mommy and daddy are having.
- Her favorite foods are: green beans, strawberries, bananas, blueberries, cheese toast, chicken, crackers and applesauce.
- Takes a bottle before naps and bed.
- Still taking a morning and afternoon nap, each about 2 or more hours.
- Wearing size 3 diapers.
- Wearing 9-12 month clothes.
- She does nto show any interest in TV, but she loves books.
- Saying "Da..Da"   No "MaMa" yet!
- Plays well independently with her toys on the floor, but loves to have someone play with her at times.
- Tries to get into Sadie's dog food and water when no one is looking.
- Loves Sadie and laughs at her a lot.
- Is all smiles when she is in her buggy and swing.  We have been very grateful for beautiful weather.
- Goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps 11-12 hours.
- Avery is a very happy girl.  Mommy and daddy cannot get enough of her laughs; it is the most amazing noise.
- Does not sit still much these days, unless she's tired or drinking a bottle.
- Holds her own bottle.
- Stands up in her crib when she's done sleeping or thinks it is not time for her nap!
- Has a lot of adorable tricks:  She claps, waves to others, gives the best kisses and hugs! 
- Avery has learned to throw her food or sippy cup on the floor when she is finished. 
- Is getting more hair and it is starting to get lighter.
- Has two bottom teeth, one on the top and another one is so close to breaking on the top.
- Has the most beautiful brown eyes and continues to look like her daddy!
It is a lot harder to snap a good monthly photo, as Avery is wanting to climb all over the chair and get her hands on anything she can get.  I had a few props to help keep her in one spot.

Yeah!!  Avery loves to do "patty cakes."

Ah and finally a good one to end on!

Happy 10 months sweet girl!

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