Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Little David

        I often time read my friends' friends' blogs in my downtime (aka when Avery's napping).  While catching up on our good friends blog, The Stephens, I clicked on one of the blogs in Amanda's "friends" column.  I began to read the story of a loving family with twins, one of whom had always required some type of assisted airway device.  As I continued to read, I learned the story of Little David.  His contagious smile and that fact that he received a lot of his care at UNC both attracted me to this blog.  Little David had surgery several weeks ago for the reconstruction of his airway and potential decanulation (this is when you get your trach removed for my non medical readers).  I began praying for David and following his progress via his mother's blog.  Monday I was working our Tarheel 2 aircraft, and we made a trip up to UNC.  On my final trip to UNC that evening, I was able to meet Little David and his strong, sweet and loving mother, Langley.  David was signing helicopter when I asked him if he would like to see our helicopter at UNC.  It was my pleasure to be able to show David Tarheel 2 and give him and his mother a little escape from their hospital room.  I admire Langley, she has a never-ending love for her child and untouchable faith.   Little David is a very sweet boy and seeing his smile as he sat on the seat inside the helicopter brought pure joy to my heart.  I am happy to report that Little David has been discharged from the hospital and is home with his family.  Please join me in praying for the continued good health and development for Little David.  As I told Langley, I can't wait to see a blog post about Little David talking and doing all the things a 2 year old boy does. 
 I told you he is adorable!!!  Little David in Tarheel 2.

This month is also the end of the annual Raleigh Mustaches for Kids.  This is a local charity that Trey has participated in for the past five years.  As much as I am not a fan of his mustache, it is a great cause and 100% of the donations go to the NC Children's Promise, which is the big fundraiser for the NC Children's Hospital.  I am so proud of Trey and all the guys growing.  I am also fortunate to see all the great things that occur with these donations through my job at UNC.  Please take come time to check out the Raleigh Mustache for Kids website,  and I promise your donation is worth every penny and tax deductible!

Here is a picture of some of this years participants with some creative Halloween costumes!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Just Like Daddy

Avery adores her daddy and always wants to do what daddy is doing.  She even follows him into the bathroom...I know TMI.  Here are some pics of daddy's little girl helping him with some recent home projects.
  Working on new cabinet for the laundry room closet.

 Helping daddy put the washer and dryer back after some fresh coats of paint.

 Playing with her golf clubs...just like daddy!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fair 2012

On a gorgeous afternoon we made a trip to the fair with Avery's grandparents, cousins and Aunt Robyn.  Pepaw and Grammy got the big girls out of school early and we all went to the fair when Avery woke from an early nap.  She was all smiles and ready for a fun day.  Lots of pictures to capture all the fun...
 On the way to the fair.

 We all enjoyed turkey legs, corn on the cob and lemonade right when we arrived.

 Avery loved all our favorite fair food, but the corn was one of her favorites.
Avery and Mommy on her first fair ride.  She enjoyed most of it, but got a little started when Dumbo started going up and down rather fast.  Think is shocked Mommy too!

Pepaw and Avery

 Watching her big cousins on the big kid rides.

 Avery had a blast and was so happy that her daddy was able to come with us this year!

 Madi, Samantha and Alexis

 Daddy joined the girls on some really big rides.

 No fair trip is complete without a stop for NC State ice cream. 
Our little girl went to town on the yummy ice cream.

 Avery's favorite was Cherry Vanilla...just like her Pepaw.

Can't get enough of that sweet face!

 Pepaw rode a roller coaster with Avery's cousins.

 Next year there is going to be another little girl in our family photo.

 Grammy and Avery


 Silly Aunt Robyn

 Madi and Samantha using the last of the ride tickets.

Despite a little fall and the mark on her forehead, it was a great day at the fair. 
We look forward to next year and more memories at the fair!

Baby #2

Is a GIRL!!!!

We found out last week that we are having another girl.  We are very excited about Avery having a little sister and know they will grow up to be the best of friends.  Baby sister is still due March 17, 2013 and is measuring on schedule.  We were most excited to hear that she is looking great and healthy.

 Avery loves to play with all her "babies" and she takes them everywhere with her.  It's adorable to watch her hold them, put them to sleep and she even pats their backs like mommy does to her.  She's getting lots of practice before her big sister debut in about 20 weeks (that's right, we are half way there), and we know that she will love her sister.

 Proud Big Sister!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fun at Gigi and Papa's House

     Last week, mommy had to work a lot more than usual, so Avery went to stay with her Gigi and Papa.  We met them half way on Wednesday evening and from there Avery was off to Hickory for several days of fun.  We got lots of pictures and texts of her having fun and being a good girl.  She enjoyed playing in the nursery at their church, going on many walks, merry-go-round rides, frozen yogurt and a lot of love from her grandparents.  Wish I could have gotten some of the videos uploaded, but for now you will have to enjoy these pictures.
 She had all her buddies with her for the rest of her ride to HKY.
Avery loved having Gigi sit with her in the back seat.
 She had so much fun bathing and swimming in Gigi's big tub!

 Gigi and Papa gave us a lot of good reports and sent lots of pics of Avery.
Her sweet grandparents recorded some Mickey shows in anticipation of her arrival.

 Sweet girl resting up for a new day of fun!

Avery help Papa cooking and always had her baby nearby. 

 Quenching her thirst after having so much fun.

 Avery enjoyed her mac n' cheese so much that she licked her plate.

 Napping before her afternoon adventures with Gigi and Papa.

Avery rode the carousel and ate some frozen yogurt later in the day!   

Avery enjoyed a lot of walks with Gigi and Papa.

 Mommy and daddy got to Hickory on Friday night, and we were so excited to see her when she woke up on Saturday morning.  On Saturday, we went to Oktoberfest in the afternoon.  It was a pretty day to walk around and take it all in.

We finished the weekend out with a trip to Kannapolis to see more family and celebrate Mawmaw's 88th birthday.  Avery had a blast playing with her cousin, Camilla, who is 9 months older than she. 

Mawmaw with her 3 great grandchildren (Camilla, Rex and Avery).