Monday, October 15, 2012

Big Girl

Avery is a toddler and growing up more and more each week.  She is starting to become more independent and we love to watch her learn new things.  It will not be long before she is saying, "I do..."  Here is what our big girl has been up to....

Feeding herself with forks and spoons.  She can also eat from a plate and bowl as well.

 Avery loves fruit and now can eat them on her own without being cut into pieces.
 Walks to the car and into the house when prompted.

Coloring...only lasted about 10 minutes, but she had fun!

 Avery can go down the slides at the park on her own.  She LOVES the park!
  Swimming like a big girl in her new floaty.
 Helping mommy around the house!


Avery really enjoys getting showers.

 Eating her lunch in the car after a morning of fun at the museum.

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