Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Update time!

      Today we got a good report at the OB.  Avery is continuing to grow and her heart beat was nice and strong.  I saw Dr. H today and she is my favorite at the practice.  I am really hoping she is the one on-call when miss Avery makes her debut.  Miss Avery is head down and we hope she stays in that position, although my right rib and side aren't loving her feet in their teritory.  We go back for our next visit in 2 weeks and then our visits become a weekly thing.  Let's hope that we only have 5 more trips to the OB, as the weather is starting to get really warm and I am getting very anxious for our little girl to get here.  I am still feeling great. I thought and felt huge, but apparently I am not measuring as big as I feel.  Still sleeping well, although I have started to wake up in the middle of the night on some nights....usually to pee. :-)  I haven't started having any contractions or any of the other end-of-pregnancy nightmares that I hear about, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.  Dr. H was surprised that I am still working and said that I have had an amazing pregnancy. I told her that we hope our luck continues for when Avery arrives.
     While sitting in the waiting room today, another lady came in that was in labor and she looked miserable.  I felt so bad for her.  Obviously, she got to go back before me.  I must have been staring a lot and had a look on my face because this older lady leaned over and said, "it's not that bad and I bet you will do fine." 

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