Monday, April 11, 2011

Avery McCall Update

     Today I had an OB visit and met with the last of all the doctors in the practice.  Dr. Flanagan is my favorite, but unfortunately she is a week ahead of me in her pregnancy.  Therefore, she will not be delivering Avery unless for some reason she decides to make an early debut.  I would love for her to make an early debut, but think it is best for her to stay put for at least 7 more weeks.  We need her to fatten up, as well as develop her lungs and brain a bit more. 
      I am happy to report that everything was normal at our appointment, and we are measuring right on target for our June 3rd due date.  I am now in my 33rd week of pregnancy, and still enjoying almost everything.  We are getting very anxious to meet our little girl.  We have a few more things to gather for the nursery and my mother is working on the window treatments.  Everything should be finalized by the beginning of May. 
     Avery is becoming a strong little girl.  You can even see some of her movements just by looking at my stomach.  Things are starting to feel a bit crammed inside me, and I can't imagine how she is going to get much bigger.  The nice weather has been a blessing as I am able to walk the dog everyday.  Sadie does a great job of keeping me going up some of the hills in our neighborhood. 

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