Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My favorite things thus far

While pregnant I did a lot of research and asked my experienced mommy friends about their favorite baby products.  I am so glad technology has come a long way to make being a parent so much easier.  I can't tell you how many times people have seen something of ours and then said, "they didn't have stuff like that when my kids were babies."  I thought I would go ahead and share some of my favorite things thus far....
1.   Ergo
This is the baby carrier that we have, and I love it.  I was never a fan of the Baby Bjorn because I never thought it was very comfortable for bigger babies.  While in Pinehurst this past winter, I saw a lady with the Ergo and asked her about it.  She spoke very highly of it and then after researching I decided this was a product for us.  Avery loves it and we have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far.  I got the snap Ergo because I liked that I could add some color to it and switch the patterns.

2.   Stroller
We knew that we wanted a good jogger and went with the Bob.  I absolutely love our BOB and would recommend it to anyone.  We got the newest edition because we liked the easy click in for the infant seat.  However, you can get then for very good prices on craigslist.  BOB strollers hold their value and can handle much wear and tear.  We recently took ours to the beach and it was fabulous. 
The other stroller we have is the Maclaren snap and go stroller.  I wanted something light, small and with a large basket.  This is perfect for quick trips in stores or the mall.  It fits easily anywhere.  I got mine very cheap on craigslist.  I am very glad we chose these to products over a traditional travel system.  The wheels are durable and I can see us using all these products again in the future. 
3.   Lifenest
Our first night home from the hospital was a long one.  Avery did not like lying on the mattress of her crib or cradle.  She did not like being flat.  I called Green Pea baby, my all time favorite baby store to see if they had anything to help with our issue.  I was thinking I would get a nap nanny or some kind of baby positioner.  Well the baby positioners are no longer on the market and they were out of the nap nanny (which had recently had some controversy with its use in cribs).  They had a new product called, the lifenest and they offered me to be the first to trial it for them.  We looked it up and did some research, then Trey immediately went to pick it up before they closed.  The lifenest was more of a lifesaver for us.  Avery sleep better than a textbook baby with it, and thus more sleep for mommy and daddy.  We love all the features, and especially the breathable net and incline. It fits perfectly in her crib and pack n' play.
    Also in the picture above is Avery swaddled in a Pottery Barn Kids swaddle blanket.  We now love the Aden and Anais swaddle blankets as Avery has gotten bigger, but the PBK swaddle blankets were perfect when she was little. 

4.   Mustela
I love all their bath and lotion products.  We used the no rinse cleansing fluid to bath Avery before her cord fell off.  It smells amazing and feels great.  I have honestly considered buying it for myself. 

5.   Comfortable chair in the nursery
This was a splurge for us, and it was worth every penny.  We were fortunate to get a free crib and dresser/changing table from my sister, so we decided to go the extra mile on a chair for Avery's room.  We got Best Chairs Tryp Recliner Glider from Green Pea Baby (shocker!).  This amazing piece of furniture reclines, glides and rockers.  The lever to recline the chair is hidden and this was a big selling point for us because I don't want my sweet girl losing a finger when she becomes mobile.  If your going to be getting up in the middle of the night, then you owe it to yourself to have something comfortable.

6.   Durable diaper bag
I loved Scout bags and picked this diaper bag up right before Avery was born.  I wanted something with pockets on the outside for easy access of particular small items that typically get lost in big bags (bottles, keys, phone, paci, and mylicon).  I can see everything I need, and it can be scrubbed.  This bag latches on to our strollers for easy access and portability.  It was perfect for trips to the beach since we could spray it down and easily wipe. 
   Lock It Pocket Rocket
7.   Diaper Caddy
We have this awesome diaper caddy and liner from Pottery Barn Kids.  It is a perfect portable way to store essentials in our family room.  This way we do not have baby stuff everywhere and we also have quick access to those baby things that we use often.  Especially when she was going through 10-12 diapers a day. 
Diaper Caddy Liner, Blue Gingham

Other miscellaneous items we love....
Sandra Bouyton Books
Bobby with a cute cover and a boppy water resistant protective cover beneath it.
Boppy protective pads for the changing table
Totally Toddler (gets stains out so well I started using on Trey's clothes, as well as carpet and upholstery)

I almost forgot one of our most recent favorite items...

8.   Lil Wonders Baby Hut
This got a lot of use during our recent week at the beach.  We plan on getting much more use of it throughout the year and all next summer.  It allowed Avery to nap in a shady area while getting a good breeze on those hot beach days.  It is easy to set up, folds up easy and is very portable.  This is a must for anyone who plans on taking a little one to the beach.  Also kept her from getting sandy or trampled over.

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