Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Birthday Parties

      This past weekend we celebrated 3 birthdays.  There are a lot of special people in our life that have August Birthdays and each week this month Avery has had some new friends come into the world.  Saturday we celebrated Parker Nicole's 1st Birthday.  It was suppose to be a pool party but the forecast had the Kennedy's switch to plan B.  We had a great time and were so glad we could be there to help Parker celebrate.  Looking forward to many more birthdays with the Kennedy Family.

 Avery and her friend, Parker!

 Parker opening gifts and checking out all her new toys.
 No a fan of the party hat, but it was adorable!

 Then she went to town on the cake!
 No cake for Avery quite yet!
       On Sunday, we celebrated the birthdays for 2 of Avery's cousins, Madison (12) and Samantha (7).  We had a yummy dinner that Aunt Roni and Uncle Mike made, then we had some yummy birthday cake.  Avery had fun hanging out with her older cousins.  She is going to miss hanging out with them as much when they start back to school in a few weeks.  Fortunately, their school is in our neighborhood so they can come visit after school.
No more saying that you are not in any pictures with Avery!
 Trey Jr.
 Aunt Robyn and Avery with the birthday girls (Samantha and Madi)

 Birthday girls and their yummy cake.

       This week is one of mommy's best friend's (Allison) birthday and then next week Daddy turns 30! More birthday blogging is in store for this month.  We have a Cami's princess birthday next week as well.  Too bad Avery is not old enough for cake!

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