Sunday, August 7, 2011

2 Months!

       Oh my, time sure has flown by the past 2 months.  Our sweet girl turned 2 months yesterday.  We spent most of the day driving home from our beach vacation and then had a lot of unpacking to do.  Gigi and Papa were in town to visit and bring Sadie back to us, thus we are a day tardy on our blog post and pictures.  Avery has grown so much right before our eyes over the last month.  She has started smiling a lot, especially in the mornings.  She has increased the amount of sleep she gets at night and is awake and playful much more during the days.  We are only getting up once a night to feed our growing baby.  In the last month Avery has been to the river with the girls, the lake to see her grandparents and on a week long trip to Kiawah with family.  She continues to look more like her daddy, but we think she might be getting mommy's eyes.  She is a very happy baby and we can't imagine life without her.   


        I think Avery wanted to give us a gift for being parents for 2 months by sleeping for 7.5 hours.  We were so excited.  Trey woke me up and said, "did you get up with Avery yet?"  I said, "No!"  It was a wonderful treat for us.  Our little girl is growing up and we are doing our best to savor every moment. 

 This is how we found her in her crib today. 
       She has recently discovered her hands and tongue, as well and started kicking her long legs a lot.  It is not going to be long before she is rolling.  Her favorite activity is hanging out on her play mat.  She also enjoys being on her tummy and going for walks when it is not too hot! 

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