Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One Month!

      Today Avery is one month old.  Feels like the yesterday we were in the hospital anxiously awaiting her arrival.  The past month has been so much fun and we cherish everyday with our little girl.  We look forward to watching her grow each day and posting her progress every month.
      Avery is starting to make really fun facial expressions.  We especially love her expressions and adorable noises that she makes while sleeping.  In one month she has been on several shopping adventures, a trip to the lake, days at the pool and had a lot of lunch dates and visitors.  We have enjoyed going on walks around the neighborhood and to Bruegger's for breakfast.  Avery loves tummy time and hanging out in her swing and bouncy seat.  She has been sleeping in her crib since she was a few days old and we love to watch her on the baby monitor. 
       To this day, Avery is sleeping in 3-4 hours increments and she occasionally goes 5 hours between feedings at night.  Mommy and daddy get very excited when she blesses us with the extra sleep at night. 

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