Thursday, March 10, 2011

Third Trimester

I have reached a milestone, and that would be my third and final trimester!  I am still feeling great and energized.  Continuously working on different things around the house.  I think I am powering through all these tasks because I have heard that exhaustion returns in the third trimester. 

Working out has helped a lot with pregnancy, and hopefully it will pay off when it comes to labor and postpartum.  I am still doing cycle class, but have had to back off some of my cardio workouts.  In the past few weeks, I have been spending a lot of time swimming and taking aqua classes.  I start a prenatal yoga this Thursday, and will continue to go every Thursday for the next 6 weeks.  I am looking forward to this as I think it will help with some of the back aches that I have been having. 

As for work, I am still working as usual on both the helicopter and ambulance.  Thankfully, the weather has not gotten too warm yet.  I do find myself needing less layers, but have not had any episodes of overheating.  Avery is coming at the perfect time as far as work goes.  I will be on maternity leave all summer, the time of year that is least desirable to be working outside in a flight suit.

Beginning in April, my monthly OB visits will change to biweekly and then eventually weekly as I move into May.  Last visit everything was measuring on target for our June 3rd due date.  She has a strong heartbeat.  I am able to feel all her movements and she is really enjoying the space in my right rib cage.  Trey has enjoyed feeling her kicks, hiccups, and other movements.  Occassionally, you can see her moving across my stomach.  I know that these movement are going to get more intense as she is really going to start growing. I will be sure to post any updates over the next 11 weeks before Avery makes her grand entrance to the world.  I know that things are about to change, but I cannot think of a better change for us. 

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