Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting her dance on and kicking daddy!

I have been on a blogging hiatus, as our computer was out of commission for a few weeks.  Avery has turned in to quite the active girl over the past 2-3 weeks.  On the night of January 25, Trey was able to feel his little girl move for the first time.  It's strange how sometimes she gets very active while I am resting, but then I will be very active and she catches me off-guard.  Maybe it's her way of telling mom to slow down.  I have shared with many people how strange it is to feel her moving.  I have a hard time describing the sensation, as it is so different from anything I have ever felt.  I think she has been breaking it down lately and I am going to enjoy it because I know those kicks are going to get stronger as she grows. 
On another note, we have made some progress with her nursery.  Right now the room is under construction and painting, compliments of my mother.  I have picked out all the furniture and look forward to it's arrival in the months to come.  I am trying my best to enjoy this time and not wish it away.  I am very blessed to have a relatively easy pregnancy thus far.  However, I am very anxious to love her,  hold her, and start this next chapter in our life.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

I am getting so excited for you! It's incredible! I look forward to seeing you Saturday!