Friday, January 14, 2011

Over half way there...

You heard it right. I am into my 21st week of pregnancy. I have been very blessed with a wonderful pregnancy thus far. Before you know it Miss Priss, who is getting closer to having a name, is going to be here. We have been focusing on narrowing down her name and getting the nursery started. I am very fortunate to have some wonderful people, aka my parents and Trey, to help with some painting and minor construction that we are doing. I have had so much fun searching the Internet and shopping for ideas. At first, I struggled with choosing bedding and a color scheme because I was so anti-pink, but things have changed and I am finally making progress.
The most common question people want to know is: how long I am going to be able to continue flying at work. I love the surprised look on their face when I say things like, "till the end," "till my water breaks" and "till they kick me off." There have been many women at my job that have continued flying and working on patients until their due date. We do most of our transports in a helicopter, so we do not fly as high as you would in a plane. At our first OB appointment, we discussed this with my doctors and they said that I can continue to do my normal work as long as baby and I stay healthy. I feel great and this will continue to be my goal. I want to save my time off for when Miss Priss is here. With her June 3rd due date, the plan is to be off from work June-August. Then I will head back in September; get to see what it is like to have a teacher schedule this summer! If I enjoy it too much, you might see school nurse in my future.
Everyone asks if I have felt her move, and I think that I have. Most women describe the feeling as so many different things, so it is hard to tell sometimes if it's her or me. Guess I will know what those baby movements and kicks consistently feel like really soon. In the meantime, I am enjoying all this energy. My house has never looked so good or been so organized. We are hoping to have the upstairs finished, all new furniture here and a new backsplash in the kitchen before June. Last night while I was working, Trey moved all the guest bedroom furniture upstairs to the new guest bedroom. We are hoping to pick a paint color this week and finish the addition to the crown molding and painting of the nursery in the coming weeks.
Our next OB appointment is at the end of the month. I will be sure to post more on baby King's progress and the progress of her nursery.

1 comment:

robin.waller said...

I can't believe you're already half way there! My how time flies! So happy for you and Trey and I can't wait to see the nursery! And you guys! ha