Monday, July 2, 2012

Big Girl

 Avery is full of personality these days.  It amazes us how much she is learning and we are greatly impressed with how quick she catches on to things.  Eventhough she is not walking, she still keeps us on our toes and is always on the go.  You can always find her pushing things around the house, playing with her little people house and farm, chasing Sadie and trying to climb on everything.  We have introduced Mickey Mouse and the wonderful Disney show occassionally buys us some quiet time. She loves to show off all her tricks and has gotten very consistent with them as well.
 Enjoying a snack at her table while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Avery loves to eat grapes from her snack trap and is offically a pro with the sippy cup.
  Standing on the chair with her little smirk.
      First ponytail
 Avery loves to give kisses, especially to Sadie.  She thinks Sadie is hillarious and loves when she is around.  Avery also gives all her babies hugs and kisses.  It is an adorable site to see.
 "Mom, enough with the pictures!"
Doing laps around the house while holding on to her sippy cup in her mouth.  She would stop for a break, drink some milk and then get right back to walking with her push toy.

You saw in our previous post where Avery can point to her nose.  Sometimes she thinks we are asking her to put her finger in her nose.  Avery raises her hands when we ask her, "how big is Avery?" and then we say "So big" while she raises her hands above her head.  She loves to clap her hands.  Hide-and-go-seek is still a favorite game.  We will be sure to post more pictures of Avery new tricks.

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