Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ut oh!

        It will not be too long before we have to lower the crib mattress.  Avery is growing up right before our eyes.  She getting stronger and hungrier each day.  She's has become a pro at the oatmeal and baby food thing.  She's going through a growth spurt, and some nights is waking up a bit earlier then mommy and daddy prefer.  It hasn't been too bad, as we also think she has some teeth on the way.  Our sweet girl is a drooling machine and is constantly chomping on her hands or what ever toy she can get into her mouth.  We are very blessed that she continues to be a very happy and flexible baby.  We know it won't be long before she's on the move, and we can only imagine what our future holds.
She was trying to pull up on her crib bumper the other day when she was taking a nap.

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