Sunday, November 20, 2011

So messy, but way too cute

       Avery is doing better with eating fruits, veggies and cereal.  She is enjoying her baby food so much more than in previous weeks.  Mommy is so glad that she opens her mouth on her own so I don't have to make weird noises and funny faces to get her to open her mouth.  It's a good thing we don't have to watch ourselves feed babies because I am sure we look ridiculous.  What makes us parents think that I need to open our mouths to get her to open hers...the crazy things we do.  We still have a good supply of baby food that I made in the freezer.  She seems to be enjoying everything, except the peas! 

      After she finished her yummy green beans, she gets a mum mum.  It's a little treat that dissolves in her mouth since she has not started chewing yet.  A good friend told me about them.  They are great and give me a lot of extra time when I can't hold a baby that isn't content.

       We got a sippy cup that has a similar nipple as her bottle.  Avery has started learning to use the cup.  She can pick it up and get it into her mouth, but can't quite drink out of it for a long time yet.  Basically it buys us time to eat dinner without a sleepy or playful baby in our lap.  She slings it and bangs it on her tray table most of the time.

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