Friday, June 3, 2011

Update and Due date!

Wednesday I had my weekly OB appointment.  I was 39 weeks and 5 days.  Avery's heart beat was strong and normal.  I continued to measure around the same as I had the previous weeks.  This appointment was the first time that they checked my progress to see if I had started to dilate.  I had a feeling that I was not going to be dilated, but was trying to be optimistic.  Well, my instincts were correct.  I have not started to dilate and although Avery is head down and in good position, she has not begun to engage herself into my pelvis (the birth cannal).  For all the medical people and verteran mommies: her station is -3, but I am 70% effacement.  The doctor said that I could go into labor at any point despite not being dilated, but I highly doubt that it is going to happen.  I have not had a contraction that is worth evening using the word contraction.  After a little bit of disappointment and a self pitty period, I have accepted the realization that I am probably going to end up induced.  It could be much worse.  At least I am still feeling great, with the exception of some back pain.  I do not have any swelling and I am still able to get some really good sleep.  I have been blessed with a smooth pregnancy thus far and need to try and enjoy the time I have before Avery arrives.  I am very anxious to hold her, love her and start this next journey in our lives. 

Today is my official due date.  I just got home from my last scheduled 24-hour shift on the aircraft.  I wish I could have captured the looks on people's faces yesterday when I told them my due date was today.  I have decided that I am not going to obsess about trying to get my labor rolling and rather I will focus on enjoying the weekend.  I am putting my trust in God and accepting that this is all a part of his plan.  The best things in life are worth the waits, so why should I think this is any different.  My next OB appointment is Thursday and they will do an ultrasound and stress test on the baby at that time.  After the tests are completed we will discuss with the doctor if I am a candidate for induction and make our plan from there.  I will admit that I am not keen on delivering at 42 weeks due to health risks that come with delivering a baby that far after the due date.  I believe that the doctors have the same concerns and will be able to come up with a plan that is safest for Avery and myself.  

Trey and I appreciate all the sweet thoughts and prayers.  We are blessed that so many people are anxiously awaiting Avery's arrival, and we feel so lucky to have the abundency of love and support.  All the texts, emails, cards and facebook posts are wonderful.  Thank you and hopefully the next post will be..."she's here!"

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