Friday, March 9, 2012


       Dear time, please slow down.  In 3 short months, Avery will be 1.  It is so hard to believe that it is right around the corner.   Avery is growing up so fast, and we are trying to absorb it all before she is no longer a baby.   Avery brings so much joy and love into our lives.  We are extremely blessed to be her parents and embark on this amazing journey of parenthood with a beautiful, healthy and happy little girl.  Mommy and daddy love you so much, Avery!
Avery at 9 months:

-Avery is on the go.  She has mastered crawling and is into everything.
-She has started to pull up on furniture and especially her crib.  She loves to stand and can take a few steps while holding our hand.  Not strong enough to push per wagon or walker yet!
-Loves to play with her toys.  She sits on the floor for hours going from one toy to the next. 
-She really enjoys the Fisher Price Little People right now.
-Enjoys books and being read to by mommy and daddy.
- Wearing 9 and 12 month clothes, but still fitting into some 6 month items.  She definitely growing cause none of her 6 or 9 month PJs are fitting anymore! 
- Weighs close to 19-20 pounds.  We find out Wednesday when we head to the Pediatrician.
-Naps 2-3 hours twice a day.
-Sleeping 11-12 hours at night.
-Eating normal food chopped up small.  Still takes some baby food, but prefers real fool.  Waffles, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, green beans, peas, chicken, carrots, crackers, cookies, turkey and cheese are her favorites!
-Taking 3 bottles a day and loves her sippy cup!
-Wearing Size 3 diapers.
-Has 2 bottom teeth and the top 2 are on their way down.
-Still loves her bath time and is enjoying free range of the big bathtub.  She started trying to stand in the tub and has taken a few falls.
-Enjoys her walks in the stroller. 
-The warm weather has been perfect for some time in the swing. Avery loves her swing!
-Adores Sadie and always wants to be near her.  She even follows her around the house.
-Likes to facetime.  She does it a lot with her cousins and Mommy when she is at work.
-Making a lot of noises and babbling! 

9 months tastes so good!

Does not sit still for long, unless she is on the floor playing.
Happy 9 months!

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