Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Time

       Last Thursday, we made our way out to the farmers market to get some fun and yummy things for Fall.  Aunt Robyn joined us and we had a fun day together.  We got some pumpkins for the front porch to go with our pretty mums.  Also picked up some gourds for decoration around the house. 
     We filled the stroller with pumpkins then picked up a half of a bushel of apples before finishing at the Farmer's Market.  I am going to make a huge batch of applesauce for Thanksgiving and the rest of the Fall/Winter season.  We love some homemade applesauce in our family.
I love the pictures of Avery in the hay with pumpkins.  She looked adorable in her pumpkin dress.  We might have to go to our local produce stand for some cute family pictures in the coming weeks. 
After the Farmer's Market we did what us girls to!  Avery was such a good girl and took a good nap in her stroller while Mommy and Aunt Robyn hit up the mall and Cameron Village.
Thanks for spending the day with us Aunt Robyn!

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