Thursday, October 13, 2011

4 Month Check-Up

       Yesterday was Avery's 4 month check-up with the pediatrician.  We were excited to see how much she had grown.  Avery saw one of the nurse practitioners and she may have been our favorite.  She had Avery laughing and was so good with her.  She was impressed at how happy our sweet girl was during the check-up.  Avery is doing great with holding her head, rolling and has some very strong legs.  She had a blast playing with the paper on the exam table while we waited to be seen.  Miss thing has always favored her right side when turning her head, and she tends to favor that side still with her posture.  We all decided that she is going to go for a little physical therapy to prevent this from becoming an issue.  Right now she is doing fine, but it is easier to fix now then wait till it becomes a problem.  We will go in the coming weeks and they will teach us some exercises to help with her head/neck flexibility.  Other than that little issue, everything was great.  Avery got 2 shots prior to the end of our appointment.  She cried a little, but went back to her happy self after some hugs and kisses from mommy. 
 Four Month Statistics:
Weight: 14pounds 11ounces (75%)
Height: 25.25 inches (81%)
Head: 16.25 inches (74%)

       Avery went to hang out with Grammy and Pepaw after her shots so mommy could run an errand.  She played hard at her grandparents and took a long afternoon nap.  I picked her up and we headed to Raleigh for dinner with Aunt Tay Tay.  She is in town for Jenny and Jeff's wedding this weekend.  Avery was a good girl at our dinner and had so much fun hanging out with Aunt Tay, Jenny, Jeff, Julie and Justin.  She was all smiles and enjoyed all the attention.  Too bad daddy had golf league and couldn't be there to spend time with everyone. 
      It was a late night and sweet Avery was all smiles when we got home. It was quite the opposite evening when comparing it to her 2 month check-up.  She was laughing and smiling at us.  It was so nice not to have the crankiness or fevers that we had last round of shots.  Let's hope for no trips to the pediatrician until December when we have her 6 month check-up. 

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