Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Molly 2 Months

Molly turned 2 months May 24th.  I managed to get pictures taken that day but never did a post because we left for the beach that afternoon.  The last 2 months have been busy.  We are still adapting to life with 2 little girls.  Molly is very easy going and fits perfectly into our family.  Molly is a very happy baby.  She is still our tall girl, but is starting to get that adorable baby pudge.  In the last month, Molly has gone to the beach, pool, church and lots of play dates with her sister.  Still not sleeping through the night on a consistent basis, but is starting to get into a steady nap and feeding routine.  Mommy is hoping that Molly will be sleeping through the night by the time she goes back to work in 2 weeks.  She is adored by all, and her big sister is her biggest fan.  Avery loves her sister and is always kissing, hugging and checking on little sister.

Molly at 2 Months:
  • Babbling and cooing. She can recognize our voices and faces.  So sweet!
  • Smiles a lot and makes adorable facial expressions.
  • Sleeps in her crib at night and for some naps. Takes great naps in her swing and car seat too!
  • Waking up once at night , but has gone a few nights without waking.
  • Loves her piano floor mat, but no a huge fan of tummy time.
  • Loves the water and bath time.  Only cries when we take her out of her little tub.
  • Wearing 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers.
  • Breastfed, but is great at taking a bottle too!
  • Doesn't are much for a paci, but has found her hands and sometimes sucks her fingers and thumb.
  • Loves kicking her feet and moving her arms.

We love watching Molly grow over the past 2 months. 
Being parents to these 2 amazing girls is more than we could ever ask for.

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