Tuesday, February 7, 2012


      Can you believe it?  She's 8 months old!  Avery continues to bring a new level of joy and excitement into our lives each day.  She is growing like a weed, and we cannot get enough of her precious personality.  She is learning something new everyday.  In four short months, she will be reaching her 1 year milestone.  Our love for Avery grows more and more every day.  Just when we think our roles as parents cannot get any better, she brings more sunshine into our lives. 

Avery at 8 months:

-Wearing size 3 diapers
-Eating 3 meals a day and taking 3-4 bottles.  Avery loves to feed herself and prefers it over baby food.  She has been enjoying green beans, peas, carrots, peaches, bananas, blueberries, cheerios, turkey, cheese, grillcheese and of course sweets.
-She has 2 bottom teeth and looks absolutely adorable when she smiles.
-Making tons of noises and does "raspberries"
-Her laugh will melt anyones heart.
-Started clapping her hands.
-Loves Sadie so much, and enjoys seeing Buster every Tuesday at Grammie and Pepaw's house.
-Wearing 6-9 months and some 9-12 months!
-Loves to play on the floor with all her toys.
-Still loves jumping in her Johnny-Jump-Up and exersaucer.
-Sits in a "big girl" care seat while in mommy's car.  Still sitting backwards of course.
-Can roll anywhere and can go in circles very well.  She has not mastered crawling yet!
-Loves playing "peek-a-boo" and looking in the mirror.
-Enjoying going for rides in her stroller and mini wagon.
-Dancing is so much fun, and she enjoys standing.
-Although she is becoming an active little girl, Avery still enjoys snuggle time with mommy and daddy.
-Avery loves to pull up on her crib bumpers and recently sat up in her crib after a nap.
-Takes a morning and afternoon nap (both around 2-3 hours in length).

      Our 8 month photo shoot was so much fun.  No problem getting this cutie to smile for the camera.  However, she was a bit of a wiggle worm.  Avery has turned into the curios monkey and loves to try and get her hands on everything.  She has become an expert at turning and is more of a carpet swimmer than crawler right now.

"Watch out Mom, I'm getting down from this chair!"
Picture break and down on the floor for a little crawling practice.

Sweet, silly girl
She thinks she's hot stuff standing up in her chair.
Avery loves her big sister, Sadie.  She thinks Sadie is hilarious and loves playing with her.

Happy 8 months sweet girl!  You make mommy and daddy's life so rewarding.  We are so blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy and happy little girl. 

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