Wednesday, December 7, 2011


      We have made it a half of a year and could not imagine life without Avery.  She makes life so much better and fun.  We are constantly reminded of how blessed we are to have a healthy, beautiful and happy daughter.  This is such a fun age and we are soaking it all up.  
-Avery is eating 3 meals a day and is taking 4 big bottles a day.  She is trying to hold the bottle, but has not quite master this skill.  It is a very funny site and often a task to feed her bottle. 
-Likes her fruits more than veggies, so we have to make sure she gets the veggie first or mix with her fruit.
-Sleeping around 11 hours at night and taking two long naps (late morning and then in the afternoon).
-Continues to love her exersaucer and Johnny jump up, but thoroughly enjoys jumping now.
-She is a scooter, and we know that soon she will me more mobile. 
-Rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy.
-Puts everything into her mouth and loves to grab things.
-Sitting up for long periods, but still topples over at times. 
-No teeth yet, but the drooling is like a runny faucet.  We hope teeth are in our near future so the drooling and boogie nose will cease. 
-Eating mum mums still, but has begun to enjoy puffs.
-Wearing a size 2 diaper and is wearing mostly 6 month clothing.
-Continues to be a very happy baby.
-Stares at the TV just like her daddy and is an awesome shopper like her mommy.
-Avery is a great snuggler and loves to give kisses. hard to resist kissing those adorable cheeks. 
-We are seeing signs of hair growth.  Maybe soon you can tell and not see "the floating bows."
-Started grabbing the bumpers and pushes herself up very well.  We will be lowering the crib very soon.
-Plays in her crib when she wakes.  Loves her glow worm and luvies.
-Big fan of Sophie the giraffe, cold teethers, and her noisy baby.
-Obsessed with her sister, "Sadie." Already reaches over to feed the dog when she is eating. 
-Has become very noisy and we love to hear her laugh.

Loves to pay with her feet.
Legs crossed like a sweet little lady.
She's got mommy's eyes, but still looks like her daddy. 
We are headed to the pediatrician for Avery's 6 month check-up this afternoon, so check back for an update on her stats. 

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