Thursday, September 8, 2011


Avery was 3 months old on Tuesday.  Mommy is a bit tardy on the post because she worked a 24-hour shift on Tuesday and then was exhausted when she got home from work Wednesday morning.  It is hard to believe she is already 3 months, but it feels like she has always been a part of our family.  Can't imagine life without our sweet angel.  Avery is so much fun and we are loving this time in her life. 
Here is what she's been up to:
- She is scooting all over her crib.  She is never in her original position when we look at her on the monitor or go get  her in the morning.
- She's napping in her a crib more and sleeping 10+ hours at night (usually 8:30pm-6:30am then daddy feeds here before leaving for work and lays her back down for another 3hours).
- Lifting her head up well and enjoys sitting in mommy and daddy's lap.  She got in the exersaucer for the first time today and he little feet could touch the bottom. 
- Starting to really enjoy her Bumbo!
- Wearing 3-6month clothing and is a size 1 diaper (We have decided that Pampers are the best for her little tushy).
- Still loving her lamb swing, play mat, and has a blast in Parker's old bouncy seat.
- Has begun to talk, babble and laugh with us.
- Bath time is her favorite time.  She has started kicking and splashing.
- Avery is so close to rolling over from back to front, she just needs to get her head over!
- She has the best smiles first thing in the morning and when changing her diaper.

Check out how much our sweet girl has grown...
 She has started eating/licking her shirts/dresses if she can get to them.  Avery has also started to drool a little more, so she sometimes rocks a bib even after her bottle.

Looking forward to many more months!

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