Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hurricane Warning

      Hurricane Avery has been destroying our house lately.  She ranges from a small tropical storm at times and can turn into a full blown hurricane when we blink our eyes.  Avery loves to play with all her toys and she moves from one thing to the next.  She is into everything and loves making laps around the house.  I love to watch her play and interact with her toys.  She loves her Sadie dog and is always giving her sweet kisses and hugs.  The steps are becoming more consistent.  The other day she was walking from once piece of furniture to the next when we weren't looking, it's not going to be long before we have a walker.  I just hope she not as fast of a walker as she is a crawler!   

 I was going through her shoes the other day to see which fit.  Every time I would put a pair in the basket, she would throw them all out and organ ize them in her own special way.
 Someone loves to play in mommy's closet when I get ready.  The other day she opened every shoebox she could get her little hands on and made a big mess.
 Crazy girl likes to drag every toy and baby into her tent.
 Avery loves to play in her tent.
 I knew something was up when it was unusually quiet in the house!
Something is not right with this picture.  Never thought this would be on my shelf when I bought this piece of furniture 7 years ago.

Sometimes the storms subside, and we get a few moments of quiet time.
Mickey Mouse and other Disney Jr shows occupy her attention for a short part of the day. 

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