We headed to Hickory Thursday evening when daddy got off work. It was not our best road trip with Avery, but the new car headrest mount for the iPad was a definite blessing. We do not have a TV in my car and did not want to buy a portable DVD player since we will most likely getting a new family car that has a built in TV/DVD. I picked up the portable car iPad holder Thursday afternoon and highly reccomend it to anyone traveling with children. We are very grateful with the Disney app. Avery did not fall asleep until we got into Gigi and Papa's neighborhood...go figure!

Friday morning we went to visit Papa's office. Mommy enjoyed a pedicure and shopping that morning. I was extremely grateful for some relaxation and alone time, especially after the not-so-fun ride to Hickory. Gigi and Papa's pool was a lot of fun and very refreshing in the 100 degree weather. Avery continues to love the pool. She has gotten very adventurous. We have to keep her from trying to drink the water and dunking her head. She wants so badly to swim on her own, but the poor girl is too small and the more independent floats are still too big.
Avery and Daddy
For now, she is stuck with this float. She has fun and can enjoy the water and her toys with some independence.
Sitting in her special chair and hamming it up for the camera.
Saturday she was ready for another day of fun in the sun and water. Our friends Jared and Cait joined us for some fun on the lake. We all went water skiing early in the morning before the lake got crowded. One day Avery will be out there skiing, but this time she stayed back for her morning nap. It had been a while since we all had water skied, but everyone managed to get up without any difficulty. I think we all paid for it later...I know I was sore the next morning!
Gigi managed to get a picture of mommy skiing past the house.
Taking a snack break.
Avery and Gigi
She is still not a fan of the life jacket, but loved going on a boat ride with everyone. Grammy and Pepaw come up Saturday, so Avery was able to hang out with both set of grandparents.
Papa, Pepaw, Grammy, and Daddy enjoying the boat ride around Lake Hickory
Playing with a koozie. She loved the wind in her hair and was happy to have a snack on the boat.
Helping Papa drive!
Avery stayed in the water almost all day Saturday with the exception of nap time. She loved being around the water and so many people she loves. It was a great way to enjoy a very hot weekend.
Eating her waffle that Papa made her Sunday morning before we headed back to Apex.
The car ride home was GREAT and Avery slept the entire ride!