We have less than a month before Avery's due date, and we continue to spend a lot of time getting ready for this new adventure. I have been working on some things to help make life a little easier. We want to spend as much time as possible enjoying our new family of three and cherish the memories we will make this summer and for months to come. I have been stocking up on household items such as toilet paper, razors, shampoo, cleaning supplies and so much more. I got a huge thing of paper plates at BJs the other day. I know it's not very green, but it's more fun holding a baby than doing dishes. In the beginning of my pregnancy, I organized everything possible in the house, so now I am just stocking up on the essentials. I prepared some meals the other day and placed them in the freezer. I know we will have a lot of help from family and friends, but I want to have things on hand for when I go back to work or just don't feel like cooking. You'd think I was preparing for some bad weather, but it is keeping me occupied while we wait for Avery.
Future dinners! |
I have packed some things for Avery while we are in the hospital and I am starting to work on a bag for myself. I got some great advice on things I will and will not need from some experienced friends. In the next 2 weeks, my goal is to have a bag packed for when the big moment occurs. I am going to let Trey take care of himself and this is a big step for me cause I have always done both of our packing. The hospital is only 15minutes from the house and he will probably come home to shower and check on the dog. Speaking of Sadie...we purchased an electric fence last week. We already have a fenced in backyard, but our sweet Sadie can clear it in certain areas of our property. We decided with the stress of having a new baby we did not want to worry about if the dog was in the backyard or roaming the neighborhood. Thus we bought the electric fence. Trey did the initial training and I had to go inside because I didn't like seeing her get shocked. So far it's working well, but we are trying to decide if it is going to work in the long-run. She broke through it the other day while chasing a squirrel but came right back. We are going to continue using it and deiced before our 60-day money back guarantee.
Trey walking Sadie around the parameter. |
Sadie says, "I don't like this mommy and daddy." |
She's trying to go back inside. |
Finally getting comfortable with her new free roaming territory. |
This past weekend Trey's parents came into town. We celebrated his mother's 60th birthday a little early since we will not be able to be with her on the actual day. On Saturday the guys did some more yard work and played golf, while Cathy and I did some shopping. We ate well and relaxed all weekend.
Cathy opening her gift from Trey, myself, Taylor & Andrew |
Sadie helping with the dishes after dinner. |
Who needs a dishwasher when you have Sadie? |
Sunday afternoon, we celebrated my Mamaw's 90th Birthday. It's amazing how big that side of my family has grown. Avery will be my grandparents 12th great-grandchild, and there will be a 13th great-grandchild in the fall.
Most of the family. It's hard to get this many people to take a good picture.
I will have to get the good group photo from my dad or sister. |
Mamaw and Pap |
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