Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Election Day

Happy Election Day
Make sure you go out and utilize your right to vote!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

5 Years!!!

I cannot believe all that we have accomplished in 5 years of marriage.  Time sure does fly when you are having fun and making memories.  We have grown together more in spirit, love and family as each year passes.  I look back at the last 5 years in awe, and look forward to the future with pure joy and excitement.  Blessed beyond measures!

November 3, 2007

 Us with our new dog, Sadie, in the summer of 2008.

 Our first little girl, Avery McCall King.

I love how much our family has grown in 5 years!

Daddy's got 3 girls in this picture (just missing Sadie).

Happy 5th Anniversary Trey!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Avery started her Halloween with a fun morning at preschool.  She had fun playing with all her classmates and enjoyed a special Halloween treat.  After school she took almost a 3 hour nap.  She must have known that she was going to need her rest for such a fun night ahead. 

 Big girl carrying her lunchbox at school.

When daddy got home, they got the wagon ready for their fun night.  Mommy had plans to stay back at the house to hand out candy.  Our friends Cait and Jared came over for some Halloween fun, and Cait helped mommy pass out candy.

Avery did not fully understand the concept of trick-or-treat, but she sure had a blast going to peoples doors and getting candy.   After nap, she took a trip to Grammy and Pepaw's house, where she got some special Halloween treats.

 Checking out her treats from Grammy and Pepaw.

 Ready to go!

 Daddy helped her ring the doorbells.

 On to the next house.

Uncle Ian and Mr. Jared joined daddy and Avery on their trick-or-treat adventures.  They must have had a lot of fun because they did not get back till almost 8pm.  Avery also did a lot of walking as she was not interested in riding in her wagon.  The wagon was still put to good use, as it carried all her belongings and the boys beverages.

Uncle Ian, Winston, Daddy, Avery and Jared.