I told you he is adorable!!! Little David in Tarheel 2.
This month is also the end of the annual Raleigh Mustaches for Kids. This is a local charity that Trey has participated in for the past five years. As much as I am not a fan of his mustache, it is a great cause and 100% of the donations go to the NC Children's Promise, which is the big fundraiser for the NC Children's Hospital. I am so proud of Trey and all the guys growing. I am also fortunate to see all the great things that occur with these donations through my job at UNC. Please take come time to check out the Raleigh Mustache for Kids website, and I promise your donation is worth every penny and tax deductible!

Here is a picture of some of this years participants with some creative Halloween costumes!

Here is a picture of some of this years participants with some creative Halloween costumes!