I can't believe it has been over a month since our last blog post. Summer has been crazy and we have been BUSY in the King household! The last 3 months have been a lot of fun and our little girl has become a toddler. Everyday is filled with new adventures and it is an absolute joy to watch her grow and learn. Avery is growing like a weed and full of so much love and energy. Shortly after turning 1, Avery became a walker and is always on the go. She is starting to become more vocal and we are having fun trying to understand what she is telling us. Avery loves to get into everything and anything, especially the drawer in our bathroom where mommy keeps her brushes. It's adorable to watch her walk around the house brushing her hair. She has also learned how to talk on the telephone and it's the sweetest thing. She gets that honestly from her momma.
Here is what we have been up to this summer....
Hanging out with our cousins a lot. They are the best!
Learning to climb on everything!

We enjoyed live music on Wednesday nights. Avery had a blast dancing to the music.
Lunch with Samantha and Madi

Water table fun.
We enjoyed live music on Wednesday nights. Avery had a blast dancing to the music.
First Oreo while at Pei Wei after church.
We spent a morning at Marbles Kids Museum. They have a great section for toddlers and Avery had so much fun playing in all the sections.
Driving Lyla
Having so much fun crawling around and exploring all the fun areas.
Loved the BIG water table.
The water smock swallowed her, but she didn't let that get in the way of her having fun.
She loved the big slide. Aunt Robyn don't hurt me for posting, it was too cute of Avery.
Josie, Lyla and Avery
Avery can keep herself entertained for hours. She loves her play tent and will drag every toy in with her.
Avery loved feeding herself yogurt for the first time. She wanted to drink the bowl like leftover milk after a bowl of cereal.
Avery loves bath time and has fun swimming in the tub.
I think everyone in out family has the Disney Jr app.
Avery loves popsicles and can eat them all by herself.
Such a big helper, especially with the laundry.
Grammy's pool is so much fun and Avery is always getting spoiled with some type of treat.
Taking Sadie to the vet for her check up.
Enjoying a lemon while mommy and daddy eat sushi.
We have celebrate a lot of birthdays this summer....
We celebrated with Noah on his 1st birthday. Avery loves Noah (aka her boyfriend).
Parker's Elmo Pool birthday party was fun!
Happy 2nd Birthday Parker Lou!
Avery loves her books.
Sitting pretty one Sunday after church.
We have had a lot of fun at the pool this summer....
Ready for the pool.
First time down the water slide with cousins and daddy.
Pepaw there to catch her!
Our membership to the Museum of Life and Science has been a lot of fun and gotta much use this summer.
Peaches became a new favorite.
Making noise is one of her favorite parts at the museum.
Cousins came one day.
She loves to play kitchen at Grammy's and her cousins house.
I think this stuff is already on her list to Santa.
Avery has learned to through temper tantrums. Thankfully this has not happened in public yet.
Gigi came to play and brought Avery lots of chalk.
After bath time she love to run naked around the house.
She thinks it funny to make mommy and daddy catch her.
Our little girl loves to accessorize. She loves bracelets and necklaces.
Avery's first bagel. She loved it and had so much fun at the Bruegger's Story time.
Best Buds
Even though our little girl is growing up and becoming more independent, I still cherish when she lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arm a round my neck. I love that I can still rock her and have those special snuggle moments. We have had such a special summer and there is never a dull moment with Avery around. We are headed to the beach to savor a long weekend before summer ends. We promise that we will try and post more frequently as we head into fall!