Avery is 1 and so much fun! It is so amazing and fulfilling to think about the first year of our lives as a family of three. We have thoroughly enjoyed the last year and all the wonderful memories that we will cherish forever. So many thoughts of joy come about when we think of all the firsts and how Avery has grown so much in the last year. It is hard to believe that our little baby is now 1 year old. It warms my heart to look back on how she has grown. We hope you enjoy all of Avery's monthly pictures from the last year.
A year ago we were blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby girl.
7 pounds 7 ounces
20 inches
and Avery at 1 year...
Guess this is just the beginning of our life with a busy toddler.
She's not walking on her own yet, but she is standing on everything and walking everywhere with her toys and the assistance from mom and dad. We know we are in big trouble once this little girl starts walking. She is extremely fast at crawling and doesn't miss a beat.
Avery at 1 YEAR:
- Drinking whole milk at meals and weaning from the bottles before bedtime. We had them almost gone, but then she started teething the week before her birthday and we regressed a bit.
- Wearing 12-18 months clothing and size 3 diapers.
- Saying more words, like "ss-dee" (Sadie) and 'EEE" for doggie. Still not saying "mama" on a regular basis.
- Gives the best kisses!
- Eating all big girl food and a very healthy eater. She has recently started to love yogurt.
- Expert drinker of the sippy cup.
- Makes funny sounds and loves to do raspberries.
- 4 teeth with we think 4 more on the way.
- Can sit at her little table for snack or to play, but still has her 3 meals in her highchair.
- Loves Mickey Mouse Club House and watches it on the Ipad or our phones.
- Thinks Sadie is fascinating and has so much fun with her.
- Hair is growing, getting lighter and we are noticing more and more curls.
- Still loves the water, whether it's bath time, pool or ocean.
- Goes to bed around 7:30pm and wakes around 7am.
- Understands "no" and usually listens well (for now)!
- Into everything and having so much fun with all her new birthday toys.
- Loves to be pushed and pulled in her riding toys (wagon, tricycle, cozy coupe and stroller).
- Enjoys her new activity table, and has a blast swinging and playing with the water table when outside.
Avery, you are the light of our life. Your giggles are the most amazing sound and we cannot get enough of your sweet personality. You are such a loving, funny, sweet and beautiful little girl. We constantly look at you in awe and thank God for bringing you into our life. We have had an amazing year watching you grow and learn. We look forward to all the fun and new things waiting in the coming year. Always remember that mommy and daddy love you so much!