Warning: This post contains a lot of pictures, but I could not narrow it down. It was a beautiful weekend surrounded by people whom we hold near and dear to our hearts. We had a blast the entire week at the beach, especially celebrating with Taylor and Andrew as they start the next chapter of their life together. The weather was great, the company was amazing and we had a fabulous time. We kicked off the wedding weekend with a luncheon to celebrate Taylor, her bridesmaids and all the wonderful women in her life.
Mommy and Avery (who was such a good girl all weekend)
Jenny, Casey and Aunt Tay Tay
Pretty girl
New pretty earrings to wear at the wedding.
Mommy and Avery got Aunt Tay Tay a pearl bracelet made with a beautiful clasp that once belonged to her Nana. We never knew Nana but we know she watches over us everyday. I bet she was smiling so big the entire weekend.

I can't get enough of that face and her beautiful brown eyes!
Avery enjoying time with the bride and her Gigi.
Friday evening we prepared for the big day with a rehearsal at the church. We got a sneak peak at how awesome the wedding was going to be on Saturday.
After the rehearsal, we hopped on a bus to head to the rehearsal dinner. It was at the Boat House in Beaufort, and the waterfront views were magnificent. Avery had fun on the bus and enjoyed sitting forward in her car seat. I bet she wishes she could ride like that in mommy and daddy's cars.
Luke and Camilla had fun dancing at the rehearsal dinner.
Rollins and Stillings families.
Mawmaw and Taylor
McCall family
Soon to be Mr and Mrs Brothers
McCall siblings (Ann, Cathy and Gray)
Saturday was the big day. Mommy had fun getting ready with Aunt Tay Tay and other bridesmaids. Daddy enjoyed some time with the groomsmen and Uncle Andrew. Big thanks to those who helped with Avery, especially Aunt Robyn and Uncle Ian. They came down Friday night so we could stay for the entire rehearsal party. We cannot express how blessed we are and how much we appreciate all the wonderful people in our life.
Our family of 3 at the church before the wedding.
Mommy and Avery at the reception.
Avery was excited to see Mommy's friends, Robin and Allison.
She loves to give kisses!
Avery and Pepaw
Aunt Robyn and Uncle Ian
College Friends and the best kind around. We missed Grace, who was enjoying her new baby boy, Marshall.