Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Trick

       Avery's favorite new thing to do is grab her feet.  Over the past few weeks, she's been playing with her feet a lot.  Today she started putting her feet in her mouth when we change her diaper.  She is at the age where everything she can get her hands on goes into her mouth.  I was able to capture a few pictures of her new trick.

During her bath tonight, she enjoyed her yummy feet. 
 After her foot she decided to put her entire hand in her mouth.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful and Blessed

       It's so great to have a day when we can appreciate all the good things in life that God had given us.  I was so bummed about having to work Thanksgiving night, but have realized how blessed we are to have jobs, a beautiful home and a healthy family.  We miss those who are not with us, but are glad that they are in a better place.  Thanksgiving has been very relaxing this year.  We spent the morning with our family of three watching the Macy's Parade, cooking while little one napped and getting ready for an afternoon with family before mommy headed into work tonight.  I love seeing all the positive updates on Facebook and wish this would be consist throughout the year.  We had a great dinner and Pepaw's pies did not disappoint.  2011 has been an awesome year and we look forward to finishing it with many cherished memories.

Happy Thanksgiving from The King's

Monday, November 21, 2011


       In the last month or so I have developed an addiction for pinterest.  It is the perfect website for great ideas that range from fashion, recipes, crafts, DIY projects, decor ideas, party ideas, kid stuff and awesome holiday projects/decor.  I found that I was finding so many great ideas, but had not been trying them.  Until a few weeks ago, I have not done completed any of my Pinterest finds since I made my fall wreath back in September.  Two weeks ago I decided that I was going to start acting on these ideas.  Here are some of my recent finds on Pinterest that I thought were worth sharing:
Chicken tortellini soup was so good and we paired it with...
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These yummy ham sandwiches.  I made a small patch for Trey and myself to go with the soup.
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I made these pepperoni rolls for lunch after church on Sunday.  They were delicious and easy.
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       I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it was awesome.  The cork boards are from AC Moore, and they were so cheap and they came in a pack of 4.  I gave 2 to my OCD sister.  The sticky things that come in the package don't stick to the cork well so I applied super glue to the sticky and they cork has yet to fall.  It's a great place for our weekly calendar, meal plans and grocery list.  When I finish decorating our breakfast area and kitchen, I will probably move all our invitations, announcements and save-the-dates to the boards.
Tonight we are having this for dinner...
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Chicken Cordon Bleu made in the crock pot.

Avery TV

        Our video monitor has been worth its weight in gold.  It can be used as audio, video or both.  It has come in handy to check on Avery without going in her room and risking waking her up.  I know it is going to be convenient in the future as she is becoming more active and will be mobile soon.  Sometimes we just love to watch her sleep.  A sleeping baby is so sweet and this momma loves to watch her angel sleep.  It really makes you aware and appreciate how awesome it is to be a mother.

Big Bear part 2

       She's not bigger than her "Big Bear" but she sure is getting bigger.  Avery loves her super soft big bear that she got from her Aunt, Uncle and Cousins in Illinois.  Compare these pics to the ones we took with her and "Big Bear" back in July.  Avery rolled and snuggled all over BB this morning.
 Starting to get better with sitting up.
 Sitting pretty
 And she's down!
 Loving on her BB.

Go Pack

       We all went to the NCSU vs Clemson game on Saturday with the intention of going for a little tailgate fun and knew we would probably only stay for the first half.  Clemson was #7 and we didn't think we had a chance.  We had fun tailgating with Grammy, Pepaw and Jon.  Pepaw got his dish working so we watched some other games before heading into Carter Finley.  Food was yummy as usual.  I made some mini pineapple upside down cakes,  Pepaw's favorite!  I will be sure to share the recipe in a future post.
       Avery had a good morning nap, so she was such a good girl all tailgate.  She likes to suck on her overalls. The weather was perfect and we were glad for a fun tailgate before what we thought was going to be a beat down!  We even got into the game in time to see both teams run out...this never happens! 

 This precious girl has been to 2 NCSU away games and hasn't missed a home game this season.
Look for her picture next week on the big screen at the Maryland vs NCSU game. 
      We were so excited when NCSU scored the first touchdown. Clemson had a field goal, but we got another touchdown.  We couldn't believe how well the pack were playing.  It was such a fun and exciting game.  Avery took her typical first half nap in Grammy's arms.  Don't know how she always gets her right to sleep with all the noise and jumping up and down.  We were up at the half, the weather was still great and we agreed there was no way we were leaving.  The pack came back out in the second half and continued to play awesome. 
     The band comes up to some of the rows each game.  When they came near us earlier in the season, Avery cried because it was so loud. We had a section of Clemson fans to our left and they band came up right between our section and theirs. While they were playing State fight song, the Pack scored another was so much fun!  No tears for Avery this time. I think her toboggan help muffle the loud music and cheering.
      The Pack won 37-13 and we had a blast.  The last 2 home games were definitely worth our season tickets.  Next week they play Maryland at 12:30pm.  We are going to have a fun tailgate with friends and family.  Avery will have both sets of grandparents at the game. Come join us for a fun Low Country Boil and Brunch tailgate.  You don't need tickets to get in on the tailgate fun, and if you want tickets there will probably be plenty available since the students will be on Thanksgiving break.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

So messy, but way too cute

       Avery is doing better with eating fruits, veggies and cereal.  She is enjoying her baby food so much more than in previous weeks.  Mommy is so glad that she opens her mouth on her own so I don't have to make weird noises and funny faces to get her to open her mouth.  It's a good thing we don't have to watch ourselves feed babies because I am sure we look ridiculous.  What makes us parents think that I need to open our mouths to get her to open hers...the crazy things we do.  We still have a good supply of baby food that I made in the freezer.  She seems to be enjoying everything, except the peas! 

      After she finished her yummy green beans, she gets a mum mum.  It's a little treat that dissolves in her mouth since she has not started chewing yet.  A good friend told me about them.  They are great and give me a lot of extra time when I can't hold a baby that isn't content.

       We got a sippy cup that has a similar nipple as her bottle.  Avery has started learning to use the cup.  She can pick it up and get it into her mouth, but can't quite drink out of it for a long time yet.  Basically it buys us time to eat dinner without a sleepy or playful baby in our lap.  She slings it and bangs it on her tray table most of the time.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fall Weddings

      This fall has been a very busy for the King's.  We have enjoyed celebrating with so many close friends as they embark on their new journey in life together.   The 2011 Wedding Season is over and here's a little recap:
Melissa and Danny Ferone
9/10/11 Wrightsville Beach, NC

Kelly and Whitney Hughes
9/26/11 Tabor City, NC

Jeff and Jenny Beaudin
10/15/11 Winston Salem, NC

Jason and Traci Clark
11/11/11 Siler City, NC

Jared and Cait Bauer
11/12/11 Chapel Hill, NC

Congrats to all our newlywed friends!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The week off with daddy

      Trey had some extra vacation and took the first week in November off.  At the beginning of the week we relaxed around the house and got some much needed yard work completed.  On Tuesday when mommy worked her 24-hour shift, daddy took Avery to Landis to have breakfast and spend time with Mawmaw.  They both had a great time with Mawmaw.
      After bunch, they headed to Hickory to suprise Gigi.  She knew Trey had the week off work, but didn't have any clue that they were coming to spend the night with her.  Mommy called Gigi from work when they got in the parking lot so she would stay at her desk for the big surprise.  Gigi has a big glass window near her desk and Trey and Avery stood there until she noticed them.  She was very surprised...even shed some tears of joy!  They went to visit some friends in Hickory that had not met Avery.  Daddy and Avery ventured home on Wednesday for a couple rounds of golf.
Sweet girl napping at Papa and Gigi's house.
Watching some TV with Papa (she gets this look from her daddy)!
      Thursday, we spent the day shopping with Grammy and Aunt Robyn at the Raleigh Jr League Spree.  Avery is a great shopper.  Daddy did some landscaping with Pepaw.  That afternoon we hopped back in the car and headed to see Aunt Taylor and "Almost" Uncle Andrew.  Mommy got to play some kickball with their team on Thursday night.  We enjoyed some yummy food, good shopping and great company while in Morehead City.  We even got to see some cousins, Carly and Brett, during our visit. 

Avery enjoying some yummy food and a bath in Taylor's sink!
Hanging out with Aunt Taylor and Simmons.
"More shopping mommy?"

      We ventured home late Friday night after dinner.  Avery went right to bed and we got to sleep at home before the big NC State vs UNC game on Saturday afternoon.  it was so mice to have daddy off work for the entire week.  Wish he could do it more!

The Big Game

      Last Saturday we all ventured out into the cold for the NC State vs UNC game.  This is always a fun game because of the rivalry between the two teams.  Pepaw and Grammy set up a yummy breakfast tailgate.  Thank goodness for their tent with sides to block the wind.  It was very cold.  Avery had to have a wardrobe change before heading into the game because it was so cold.  She did great during tailgate and especially in the game.  Sweet baby took 2 long naps, one in each half of the football game. 
       At halftime we head out to tailgate with friends.  Avery got to meet Whitney and Kelly, as well as some other friends, Kris, Amber, and Kenny.  It was so great to catch up with friends that we do not get to see on a regular basis.
Mommy, Avery and Kelly
       The wolfpack pulled away with the WIN and Avery was all smiles.  It was an extremely fun game! Avery has been to every home game in addition to 2 away games this season.  Not sure this will work out as much next year when she is mobile!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


      I can't believe it either!  Avery was 5 months on Sunday.  Mommy picked up an extra shift Sunday and then worked her usual Tuesday so that is why there is a delay in her monthly post. 
 - Avery goes to bed around 7:30pm and sleeps for 10 hours.  Sometimes we dream feed her so we can get a few extra hours in the morning. 
- She frequently rolls from back to tummy and on a few rare occasions she rolls from tummy to back. 
- Loves her Johnny-Jump-Up and exersaucer.
- Wearing size 2 diapers.
- Always smiling and has the most adorable laugh.  We enjoy hearing it more and more everyday.
- Is starting to be quite squirmy when getting changed and when being held.
- Avery is starting to attempt to scoot.  Se has learned to pull the blanket to get toys to come to her when doing tummy time.
- Still wearing some 3-6 month clothing and most 6 month.
- Her cheeks are adorable and they are the first thing people talk about when they see her.
- Is eating rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, bananas, peas, carrots and loves her mum mums.
- Avery is close to being able to sit up.  She does it for a short time before toppling over.
- She's a tummy sleeper just like her mommy and loves her naps too! Taking at least 1.5-2.5 hour nap twice a day.
- Infatuated with Sadie!
- Still loves to cuddle with mom and dad. 
- She's a big drooler and constantly has her fingers or entire hand in her mouth. No teeth yet!

       Avery has found her feet and loves to play with them.  She wanted nothing to do with the camera when I was trying to capture her 5 month photo.  She is starting to hold herself up well and it will not be long before she is sitting up on her own. 

 Our little wiggle worm.
 "Hey mom, enough with the pictures!"

 Still have some work to do on the sitting.
Looking up to her big sister, Sadie.