Monday, October 31, 2011

Strolling, strolling, strolling

      We love going for walks in our stroller.  It is our favorite baby item and we know that it is going to be put to use for many years to come.  Avery and mommy go on walks everyday.  The fall weather is perfect and our little girl loves to go for rides in her stroller.
  We walk through all the neighborhoods around us almost everyday.  Once in awhile we walk to Pepaw and Grammy's house, as well as downtown Apex. 
 We even walked to see Aunt Robyn while she was babysitting some girls in the neighborhood. 
Avery loves to see Josie and Lyla.
All bundled up and ready for a stroll.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mum mums are Yum yum!

      My friend Megan informed me of mum mums the other day.  Her little girl is 5 months olders than Avery and she gives good advice.  I picked them up while at Target and had given Avery one before we even got to the car.  They are great for her to nibble on, and they're a great distraction for when mommy needs to get something done or just a little quiet time.  She isn't ready to start eating puffs, so these are doing the job!
 She quickly figured it out!

Walk for a Cure

      This morning we participated in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk for a Cure.  It was a little wet and chilly, but we had a blast.  Avery joined in on the fun as well.  She stayed warm beneath her layers of clothing and blanket.  The cover for her stroller was perfect for this event and helped our little pumpkin stay warm.  We are glad that we could be apart of the Weiss Team and raise some money for this great cause!
Our little pumpkin all bundled up and ready for the walk.
 Hanging out with Miss Corrie and waiting on her man, Spencer, to show up.
 Bubble baby!
 Real men push strollers!
 Daddy and Avery

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bring on the food

      We were given the go ahead to starting giving Avery cereal and foods.  We had attempted rice cereal in previous weeks and it was not a hit.  The nurse practitioner suggested we try oatmeal.  Well, we did and Avery loved it.  She scarfed it down and of course made a big mess. 
      We have now moved on to carrots and she loves them.  We have to give her oatmeal before the carrots or she will not take the oatmeal.  This is such a fun time in Avery's life. 
Tonight we are going to try peas! 
 Daddy's first time feeding Avery...Oh, the mess gave mommy anxiety!
I have been working hard at making Avery's food.  Let's hope that I can keep up with this growing girl!

First trip to the fair!

      On Wednesday we ventured to the fair with Avery's cousins, Aunt Robyn, Grammy and Pepaw.  It was not the best weather fall had offered us, but it proved to be the best day to go to the fair.  We bundled up and were so glad to have the rain cover for the stroller.  It was very over casted and drizzled a little, thus it was not crowded and we never waited in a line the entire afternoon.  The food did not disappoint and Avery has a blast watching her cousins go on the crazy rides.  Even mommy and Aunt Robyn got drug on a few rides.  Mommy had some making up to do since she was pregnant at the fair last year.  We missed daddy as he was at work while we were having fun at the fair. 
Next year this little girl will be able to get on some of the kiddie rides and enjoy some of the yummy treats the fair has to offer.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Fashion

       Fall is by far my favorite time of the year.  Now I get to dress my sweet girl in adorable fall holiday attire.  I am enjoying dressing my baby in adorable things before she's old enough to have an opinion about what she wears.
Avery has started to enjoy all her "luvies."

 Sporting her fall pumpkin dress at the Farmer's Market

Cute Halloween outfit with girly ghost applique from Needleworks by Alice

 Happy girl in her Halloween outfit from Grammy. 

We can't wait to see our little pumpkin in her Halloween costume! 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Do

       I am new to the Pinterest world and am slowly figuring it out.  I saw a picture of this amazing fall wreath and had to have it.  I made a trip to my local craft stores and gathered the essentials for my Fall Wreath.  I set up a space in my breakfast nook and this is what kept me busy Thursday during nap time.
Here's how I made it:
1. Get a round wreath (I wanted foam but they did not have them big enough), so I settled for straw.
2. Get some moss (I used sheets because it seemed to cover better) and hot glue it to your wreath.
3. I cut a long piece of burlap for my bow then glued some fun pumpkins to the wreath. 
4. Hang and enjoy!
 Makes me smile every time I am pulling in the driveway!
 Happy Fall Y'all

Thursday, October 13, 2011

4 Month Check-Up

       Yesterday was Avery's 4 month check-up with the pediatrician.  We were excited to see how much she had grown.  Avery saw one of the nurse practitioners and she may have been our favorite.  She had Avery laughing and was so good with her.  She was impressed at how happy our sweet girl was during the check-up.  Avery is doing great with holding her head, rolling and has some very strong legs.  She had a blast playing with the paper on the exam table while we waited to be seen.  Miss thing has always favored her right side when turning her head, and she tends to favor that side still with her posture.  We all decided that she is going to go for a little physical therapy to prevent this from becoming an issue.  Right now she is doing fine, but it is easier to fix now then wait till it becomes a problem.  We will go in the coming weeks and they will teach us some exercises to help with her head/neck flexibility.  Other than that little issue, everything was great.  Avery got 2 shots prior to the end of our appointment.  She cried a little, but went back to her happy self after some hugs and kisses from mommy. 
 Four Month Statistics:
Weight: 14pounds 11ounces (75%)
Height: 25.25 inches (81%)
Head: 16.25 inches (74%)

       Avery went to hang out with Grammy and Pepaw after her shots so mommy could run an errand.  She played hard at her grandparents and took a long afternoon nap.  I picked her up and we headed to Raleigh for dinner with Aunt Tay Tay.  She is in town for Jenny and Jeff's wedding this weekend.  Avery was a good girl at our dinner and had so much fun hanging out with Aunt Tay, Jenny, Jeff, Julie and Justin.  She was all smiles and enjoyed all the attention.  Too bad daddy had golf league and couldn't be there to spend time with everyone. 
      It was a late night and sweet Avery was all smiles when we got home. It was quite the opposite evening when comparing it to her 2 month check-up.  She was laughing and smiling at us.  It was so nice not to have the crankiness or fevers that we had last round of shots.  Let's hope for no trips to the pediatrician until December when we have her 6 month check-up. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Time

       Last Thursday, we made our way out to the farmers market to get some fun and yummy things for Fall.  Aunt Robyn joined us and we had a fun day together.  We got some pumpkins for the front porch to go with our pretty mums.  Also picked up some gourds for decoration around the house. 
     We filled the stroller with pumpkins then picked up a half of a bushel of apples before finishing at the Farmer's Market.  I am going to make a huge batch of applesauce for Thanksgiving and the rest of the Fall/Winter season.  We love some homemade applesauce in our family.
I love the pictures of Avery in the hay with pumpkins.  She looked adorable in her pumpkin dress.  We might have to go to our local produce stand for some cute family pictures in the coming weeks. 
After the Farmer's Market we did what us girls to!  Avery was such a good girl and took a good nap in her stroller while Mommy and Aunt Robyn hit up the mall and Cameron Village.
Thanks for spending the day with us Aunt Robyn!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Welcome Wyatt

      Avery and I made the trip down I-40 east to Wilmington on Wednesday to visit my friend, Robin, and her son, Wyatt.  It was so great to catch up with Robin and meet sweet Wyatt.  I can't wait till we can push them on the swings together. 
 Avery and Wyatt playing on the blanket. 
The babies in their car seats ready for a little shopping.
Thanks for letting us come visit Waller's and we can wait to see you again!

Friday, October 7, 2011


Avery was 4 months old yesterday.  We are absolutely loving this stage in her life.  She is so much fun and so stinking cute.  We have hit many milestones the recent weeks.  Mommy and daddy cannot get enough of this sweet girl.  We often go into her room while she's asleep just to get a glimpse of her.  We fall more in love with her everyday, and are very blessed to have such a good little girl.  Mommy got a little camera happy yesterday so I hope you enjoy all her 4 month photos...

- Avery is in 1- diapers and will be moving on to size 2 as soon as we finish the box.
- She is very flexible and usually takes 3 naps a day.  Most of the time they are in her crib, but she doesn't have a problem sleeping in the car or stroller when we are out and about.
- Still sleeping through the night (usually 10-11 hours). She did hit a little growth spurt a few weeks ago, but is not back to her great sleep routine. 
- Is mainly taking down 6oz bottles and sometimes likes a little snack bottle in between feedings.
- Has attempted rice cereal twice and is starting to get the hang of it. 
- Wearing 3-6 months clothing and is fitting into some of her 6 month clothes.
- Avery loves mirrors.
- She enjoys her bumbo, exersaucer and Johnny-Jump-Up.
- She has started laughing and bring mommy and daddy so much joy.
- Still a huge fan of bath time and loves kicking and splashing. 
- She is an expert roller and can hold her head up very well while on her tummy.
- Drooling a ton and often rocks a bib.
- Loves being in the jogging stroller and is big enough not to ride in the infant carrier.
- Loves going to Grammy and Pepaw's house every Tuesday because they spoil her.   
- Avery is all over her crib.  She is never in the same spot as when mommy and daddy put her.

       Avery loves to put her fingers in her mouth.  She is constantly trying to shove a finger in her mouth while taking a bottle.  She makes mommy and daddy work to keep them away while they feed her.  Sometimes she tries to get her entire fist in there. 

She heads to the pediatrician next week, so stay tuned for her 4 month stats.